Device Firmware Update – General Information
Firmware update utility: MsFirmwareUpdater v1.1.0.0
User manual: MsFirmwareUpdater User Manual
Two approaches to reset a device into bootloader:
- Programmatically from MsFirmwareUpdater
(Please be aware that if the device is connected over USB, its COM port number may change once the device enters bootloader.) - Remove power, press and hold the device reset switch (usually located on a side), connect power, release the reset switch.
- Programmatically from MsFirmwareUpdater
All other products:
See the device’s user manual for firmware update instructions.
SAE J2716 – SENT Gateway
User Manual
Data Sheet
SENT-CAN DBC file example
Message Delay Measurements
Note: When updating a device’s firmware over the MsFirmwareUpdater, make sure the “New Protocol” checkbox is unchecked for the SAE J2716 gateway.
Date |
PC Application | Firmware | Communication Protocol Specification |
Notes |
24.11.2023 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.5.55 | SENT-CAN v1.11 SENT-RS232 v1.11 SENT-USB v1.11 |
SENT transmit buffer multiplexing fix. |
7.8.2023 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.5.41 | SENT-CAN v1.10 SENT-RS232 v1.10 SENT-USB v1.10 |
Firmwares v1.9 have been removed due to a bug in EEPROM and DAC driver. The possibility to transmit a rolling counter over SENT fast messages. The rolling counter parameters can be configured over API: Start bit, Length, Endianess. SENT Gateway Analyser: GUI for configuring a rolling counter transmission has been added. |
27.7.2022 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.5.26 | SENT-CAN v1.8 SENT-RS232 v1.8 SENT-USB v1.8 |
Firmware breaking change: Start bit for little-endian (intel) encoding has been fixed in the analogue output configuration. SENT Gateway Analyser: Possibility of signal decoding out of Fast and Slow messages |
14.2.2022 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.4.34 |
Improvements to SENT Gateway Analyser: channel filtration, log export with UTC timestamp, CRC fault injection configuration |
8.9.2021 |
A possibility of CRC fault injection into a slow message transmission. Data nibble order for mapping of analogue outputs can be set. |
15.4.2021 9.2.2021 |
SENT Gateway Analyser v1.4.10 |
SENT-RS232, SENT-CAN, SENT-USB: Concurrent write to SENT TX buffer is fixed. SENT-USB: Serial port baud rate can be changed (up to 921600 Baud). |
4.2.2020 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.4.1 | SENT-CAN v1.5 SENT-RS232 v1.5 |
Protocol Specification | SENT-RS232 and SENT-CAN: possibility to transmit multiplexed Slow Messages SENT-CAN: alternative CAN Id for SENT RX messages |
4.9.2019 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.3.19 | SENT-CAN v1.4 SENT-RS232 v1.4 |
Protocol Specification | SENT-CAN: Extended CAN Identifiers fixed |
26.8.2019 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.3.18 | SENT-CAN v1.3 SENT-RS232 v1.3 |
Protocol Specification | Negative values for Analogue Multiplier and Offset of DAC channels |
26.4.2019 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.3.17 | SENT-CAN v1.3 SENT-RS232 v1.3 |
Protocol Specification | |
3.4.2019 | SENT Gateway Analyser v1.3.12 | SENT-CAN v1.2 SENT-RS232 v1.2 |
Protocol Specification |
SAE J2716 Interface
100/1000BASE-T1 Media Converter
User Manual
H-MTD version – Data Sheet
MATEnet version – Data Sheet
Firmware v1.3 (see User Manual for update instructions)
1000BASE-T1 PC Application v1.1.2 (needs FW v1.1 or higher)
Communication Protocol Specification
10BASE-T1S Media Gateway
p/n: 10BASET1S-MG
User Manual
Data Sheet
Firmware v1.1 (for upload over web)
Ethernet – CAN / CAN FD Gateway Communication Protocol Specification
100BASE-T1 Media Converter
p/n: 100BASET1-MC-ETH
User Manual
Data Sheet
Firmware v1.5
PC utility for reading the device status
Communication Protocol Specification
100BASE-T1 USB Interface
p/n: 100BASET1-USB-IF
User Manual
Data Sheet
Firmware v1.2
PC utility for reading the device status
Communication Protocol Specification
User Manual
Data Sheet
Web bootloader v1.7 – to be uploaded over the STM32 System bootloader (STM32CubeProgrammer). Version 1.7 needs the application to clear watch dog. If your firmware does not clear watch dog, you should use Web bootloader v1.5.
Date | Download | Note |
14.8.2024 | Firmware v1.10 – for upload over the web bootloader Communication Protocol Specification v1.10 |
Channel number added to ISO-TP configuration responses. Notes: |
23.7.2024 | Firmware v1.9 – for upload over the web bootloader Communication Protocol Specification v1.9 |
Firmware v1.9 skipped due to a bug in web bootloader. Changes: Communication protocol available over RS-232: CAN FD and LIN channels can also be accessed over RS-232 Notes: Please note DHCP might be automatically enabled after firmware update due to bug in previous firmwares – solution: connect MACH-ETH over USB, connect its COM port and send this byte sequence: 0x02 0x1E 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x20 0x03) |
17.5.2024 | Firmware v1.8 – for upload over the web bootloader Communication Protocol Specification v1.8 |
LIN baud rate of 10417 Bd added |
4.3.2024 | Firmware v1.7 – for upload over the web bootloader Communication Protocol Specification v1.7 |
UDSonLIN – diagnostic transport protocol over LIN bus is supported (ISO 17987-2 / LIN 2 Transport Layer) |
24.11.2023 | Firmware v1.6 – for upload over the web bootloader Communication Protocol Specification v1.6 |
15.5.2023 | Firmware v1.5 – for upload over the web bootloader Communication Protocol Specification v1.5 |
31.1.2023 |
Firmware v1.4 – for upload over the web bootloader |
CAN FD LIN Gateway
User Manual
Data Sheet
CAN Bootloader Application Note
Precompiled CAN Bootloader
LIN-RS232 Gateway
p/n: LIN-RS232-GW
Data Sheet
Communication Protocol Specification
Firmware v1.1
LIN-CAN Gateway