The CAN FD LIN Gateway is a user-programmable automotive interface that features two CAN/CAN-FD channels, a LIN channel, a RS-232 port, a microSD card slot, and multiple analogue/digital inputs and outputs.
The user can freely develop the device’s firmware in C or C++ in free-of-charge IDE and compilers, and can be transferred into the interface over USB, RS-232, or CAN bus. A rich set of peripherals allows for a broad range of applications, such as as protocol conversion, network bridging, data logging, rest-bus simulation, and external peripheral control and monitoring.
The on-board EEPROM memory can store user’s application parameters, and the microSD card slot enables the user to use an external microSD card to load or save large data sets for simulations and data-logging purposes.
The four digital outputs (PWM capable) and the two analogue/digital inputs allow for both input and output triggering. The inputs can read 0-5 V analogue signals, and the outputs offer various output stages (push-pull, HSD, LSD) with currents up to 1.5 A enabling to easily control relays, valves, and other peripherals.
The CAN FD LIN Gateway is based on a powerful STM32G4 family (Arm Cortex-M4) MCU and comes with a free-of-charge IDE, GNU C/C++ compiler, and programming examples. Beside the possibility to flash the firmware over USB, CAN bus, or RS-232, the standard ICSP SWD interface (ST-LINK), which offers the possibility to debug the code on the target, can also be used.